
I work in the software industry with a background in scientific and high-performance computing. Currently, I am the product manager for the HPC SDK and HPC compilers at NVIDIA.

Recently, I was an HPC Engineer in the National Center for Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory where I worked with users and applications to run at scale on current and upcoming leadership-class computing facilities. In addition to my direct engagement with facility users, I have published research in the areas of computational materials science, application acceleration and benchmarking on heterogeneous systems, low-level communication APIs, and programming models.

Prior to joining ORNL, I was a research scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology where I worked on application and numerical algorithm optimizations for accelerators. I earned an M.S. in Computer science and Ph.D. in Physics from Wake forest University.

Site contents

There isn’t really a strong theme to this site; it is mostly about technical things that I learn and use for my job. This is where I put stuff that I want to have available for personal reference, but I also sometimes point others to when they ask me questions about these things.

I’m trying to migrate my digital notebook(s) here both so that others might benefit and to encourage me to keep the quality of my notes a little bit higher. However, while some of these pages are fairly polished, a lot of it is very much a work-in-progress as I continue to learn.

On the other hand, these pages are getting more and more outdated as I continually neglect them.

Yes, this site is made with Sphinx, so it isn’t the most visually creative. I’m not a webdev, nor am I familiar with the common technologies, so when I set out to make it look nice, it ended up preventing me from getting the content up. But a lot of this material is documentation-like anyway, so I’m going with it for now until I can figure out something nicer.

Read on and Contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.